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Why It’s Necessary to Address “Co-Occurring Disorders” in Addiction Treatment

According to SAMHSA, The definition of a co-occurring disorder is the “coexistence of both a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder.” Co-occurring disorders are widespread among the addicted population, with as many as 95% of addicts suffering from both addiction and mental health disorders. These statistics apply to opioid-addicted as well. At Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, we provide treatment for co-occurring disorders in our addiction treatment center.

Co-Occurring Treatment For Opioid Addiction

Yet, almost all opioid-specific treatment providers offer no care for patients who have a co-occurring mental health condition. Even those opioid addiction treatment programs that do offer clinical services almost uniformly fail to assess for mental health conditions and only offer individual therapy or case management. This is problematic not only because they’re only treating half of an opioid addict’s problems, but because in doing so, they set patients up for relapse. Mental-health is inextricably linked to addiction, so if we don’t treat them simultaneously, it is as if we put a band-aid on a broken bone.

CMAR Treatment Approach

At CMAR, treatment begins with clinical assessments at our mental health treatment center, enabling us to identify the nature of the addiction and all co-occurring mental health disorders from the start. Patients then engaging in intensive, comprehensive counseling services to address and resolve all underlying issues. Simultaneously, our medical team provides addiction medicine and psych services to ensure well-rounded and sustainable patient recovery. Learn more at CMAR and call 833.448.0127.