Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) gives rehab centers the ability to provide clients with a treatment option that can help sustain recovery. While it’s mainly used to treat drug addiction, it can also benefit individuals battling an alcohol addiction. Vivitrol treatment involves giving clients an extended-release form of naltrexone. Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery believes in the benefits of MAT therapy using Vivitrol.
How Does Vivitrol Work?
Vivitrol is a brand-name version of the medication naltrexone. Clients in MAT programs can take the medication as an injectable or in tablet form. Your system must be free of opioids, alcohol, or other toxins before you can start MAT with Vivitrol. That will keep you from experiencing withdrawal symptoms when they begin taking the medication.
People end up attracted to substances for different reasons. Opioids create euphoria feelings by stimulating the opioid receptors in your brain, while alcohol functions as a depressant to your central nervous system. Vivitrol blocks the receptors that typically respond to these substances, so they can’t produce the highs and other expected sensations typically produced when you consume drugs or alcohol.
How Can Vivitrol Help With Drug and Alcohol Addiction?
The FDA first approved the use of Vivitrol for alcohol addiction treatment back in 2010. Individuals who take the drug as part of MAT typically experience fewer cravings, which can help them avoid relapsing. It does the same for individuals working to overcome opioid addiction. The net effect is that people tend to stay in rehab longer, allowing them to absorb the lessons taught in therapy and apply them to their regular life.
Again, your body must be completely free of other substances if you want to experience the full benefits of Vivitrol. If you’re already taking buprenorphine, then the Vivitrol would interfere with the effects of that drug, which might make your withdrawal symptoms worse. Vivitrol stops opioid receptors from bonding with endorphins produced by opioids, making it extremely effective for treating opioid addiction.
Can Vivitrol Cure an Alcohol or Drug Addiction?
Once you become addicted to drugs or alcohol and become sober, you must remain in recovery mode for the rest of your life. While Vivitrol helps clients get through the rehab process with fewer cravings and withdrawal symptoms, it doesn’t cure your addiction issues.
Vivitrol treatment typically works as a complement to other therapies in a client’s treatment plan. Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery looks to treat all aspects of a client’s addiction issues. You also get the opportunity to participate in sessions consisting of dialectical behavior therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy, both of which have benefited clients who come in to treat an addiction.
Many who come to us for help may have underlying mental health disorders. People often turn to drugs or alcohol as a way of self-medicating the symptoms. They may not realize that issues like depression, anxiety, and PTSD could exacerbate their addiction problems.
That’s why the staff at Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery takes the time to understand our clients so that we understand the full scope of their issues. That allows us to come up with individualized treatment plans to address every aspect of your illness.
Get Help For Addiction at Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery
While we can’t make promises of miracle cures at Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, we can promise to be there for you during every step of your sobriety journey. The comfort and safety of our clients are one of our top concerns. We work hard to provide you with the resources necessary to live a life free of drug and alcohol addiction.
Call Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery at 833.448.0127 if you’re ready to move your life in a more positive direction.