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Pandemic Blues: How to Deal With Lingering Depression Amid COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected everyone in some form or another. Many people began working at home instead of spending time in an office. Birthday parties and other celebrations went virtual. No matter how your life was disrupted as a result of COVID-19, if you struggle with depression, you might have found it difficult to maintain your mental health during this time. However, a depression treatment program can help. As the world begins to heal from the effects of the pandemic, you can also find hope through therapy, counseling, and medication.

At Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, we offer depression treatment programs to help you get through the pandemic and come out of it healthier and happier. Reach out to one of our therapists today at 833.448.0127 if you are struggling with depression amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Does COVID-19 Make You Depressed?

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, individuals and families have had to adapt to changing guidelines to keep themselves and others safe. These changes may have led to feelings of isolation, confusion, or even hopelessness. For those who struggle with mental health issues like anxiety or depression, the pandemic may have exacerbated these conditions. While COVID-19 does not cause depression as one of its symptoms, the dramatic changes in the way society lives can contribute to feelings of depression.

Symptoms of Depression

While the symptoms of depression can vary, some of the most common include:

  • Trouble sleeping
  • Sudden mood changes
  • Lack of concentration
  • Substance abuse
  • Lack of energy
  • Sleeping all day

If you are experiencing any of these problems or think you may be feeling depressed, reach out to a depression treatment program today. For those who also struggle with substance use issues, a dual diagnosis treatment program can help.

What to Do if You Are Feeling Depressed

The best thing to do if you are feeling depressed is to reach out to a medical professional. Talk to your doctor or reach out to a depression treatment program. Certain medications can effectively treat depression, and therapy sessions with an experienced healthcare provider can help you develop healthy coping skills.

It can also be helpful to talk to the people in your life about what you’re experiencing. Your loved ones will want to support you as you begin to heal from the effects of depression. You might also find that you have friends and family members who struggle in similar ways. Group therapy and support groups can also provide support for your journey to recovery.

Staying active can help you feel relief from depression. Find a form of movement that you enjoy. This might include yoga, walking, biking, or participating in exercise classes. If you don’t feel comfortable in a group exercise class just yet, try a virtual class or exercise program instead.

One thing to not do while you’re struggling with depression is turn to drugs and alcohol to help you cope. While these substances might provide short-term relief, they can also exacerbate the symptoms of depression.

Depression Treatment at Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery

At Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, we are available to help you manage the symptoms of depression effectively with depression treatment programs geared toward helping you through these unusual times. The tools you learn today can help you throughout your life. And if you are also struggling with co-occurring substance use issues, our center can help you on the journey to recovery through therapy and medication-assisted treatment.

If you or someone you know is having trouble getting through the current pandemic, they may be suffering from COVID-19 depression and not even know it. Talk to one of our trained therapists at 833.448.0127 today and start your recovery to a better life.

What to Expect in Dual Diagnosis Treatment

When you are depressed, you want to feel better. And a number of people turn to opioids or alcohol for relief. These substances make them feel better temporarily, and they may begin to associate them as a cure for their depression. If you or someone you love is struggling with substance abuse alongside mental health issues, there are programs specifically designed to help. A dual diagnosis treatment program is the best option for you to get over your addiction by getting to the cause of the original problem.

At Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, we specialize in dual diagnosis treatment programs that will get to the reason behind your substance addiction and help you regain your life from your addiction. To learn more about this approach to addiction treatment, call 833.448.0127 today to speak with a member of our team.

How Dual Diagnosis Treatment Programs Work

When you first speak with a therapist, they will determine if you need a dual diagnosis treatment program. This type of treatment program is not for everyone and is custom-tailored to the needs of the patient. A dual diagnosis treatment involves treating both mental health issues and dependence on drugs and alcohol.

Many rehab therapy programs fail because they only deal with one aspect of the problem. However, dual diagnosis programs give patients the best chance at long-term recovery.

Treating the Underlying Issue

You can’t stop your trigger for your coping mechanism until you find out what prompts you to reach for it. Many problems start in childhood and involve deep-rooted habits that will make quitting on your own extremely difficult.

Many underlying issues can lead to substance abuse, and you may not even realize it without an outside perspective. Some of the mental health issues that co-occur with addiction include:

  • Depression
  • Generalized anxiety disorder
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Those who struggle with these mental health conditions have a higher rate of substance abuse, and the addiction hides the underlying issue. Most singularly focused therapy or rehab programs fail because of this. A dual diagnosis program will include treatment programs to help you get to the bottom of your illness.

Treating the Physical Side of Addiction

Addiction is not a weakness. Instead, it is a mental health issue and a physical issue all on its own. When you begin to view your addiction as a disease, you understand that you can treat it just like any other disease.

As you go through detox, you might experience withdrawal symptoms. These can include:

  • Sweating
  • Shaking
  • Vomiting
  • Severe mood swings
  • Muscle pain
  • Tremors

Methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone help reduce the negative side effects of withdrawal from opioids along with other medications that help with alcohol and nicotine.

Treating individual issues can be difficult on its own. That is why a dual diagnosis treatment program is crucial if you are serious about recovering from your addiction.

Benefits of a Dual Diagnosis Treatment Program

When you begin a dual diagnosis treatment program, you will receive a mix of one-on-one and group therapy to help you get back on your feet. Some of the benefits of these therapies include:

  • A better understanding of the underlying issue and how to treat it
  • A healthier mind and body
  • New coping mechanisms that you will use for life
  • Renewed energy and motivation
  • New friends to help you stay sober

Recovering from mental illness and addiction will bring about many changes in your life, and the right treatment center can give you the tools you need to maintain your new life.

What to Expect at Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery

When you begin your treatment at Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, you will be treated with the utmost care and respect from our certified therapists and staff. We understand the difficulties of recovering from addiction and treating your mental illness. That is why we specialize in dual diagnosis treatment.

When you are ready to begin your recovery, call our team at 833.448.0127 or connect with us online.

Intensive Outpatient Treatment in Colorado

An intensive outpatient treatment program offers comprehensive services to patients throughout the program. Some people may need details about the difference between outpatient and intensive outpatient programs. It can be helpful to know more about the types of programs that are available at Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery. Learn more about the components and benefits of each option, then reach out to our treatment center today.

What Is Intensive Outpatient Treatment?

Intensive outpatient treatment offers a bridge between the strict controls of an inpatient treatment program and the environment of an outpatient treatment program. These services are often offered to clients that are in need of treatment for co-occurring disorders.

Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery focuses on providing comprehensive services to every client that needs to start or continue their recovery. Addiction treatment programs help patients recover from their addiction to alcohol, opioids, or other substances. Many of our patients benefit from intensive outpatient treatment. The IOP program that Colorado residents can benefit from most is found at Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery.

Some people prefer a single-gender environment for treatment. A men’s rehab program or women’s rehab program can offer a safe, supportive space.

The first step on the road to recovery for many is medication-assisted treatment, which we provide to help patients during withdrawal. Medication-assisted treatment is always paired with behavioral therapies. This combination helps patients focus on their recovery without painful withdrawal symptoms or cravings.

Benefits of Intensive Outpatient Treatment

Several sources, including research and the results of several studies, point to the benefits of outpatient treatment, and in particular, the benefits of intensive outpatient treatment programs.

Some benefits include:

  • The ability to offer somewhat flexible services such as to a particular treatment group
  • Results of studies indicate that intensive outpatient programs often prove more successful compared to inpatient programs
  • Patients that remain in treatment are more likely to continue their recovery
  • The benefits of intensive outpatient treatment services continue for a considerable time after patients complete the program
  • Outpatient treatment is likely to be less expensive than inpatient options

There are several other benefits to completing an intensive outpatient treatment program. One benefit includes including substantial support from treatment team members and from peers. This strong support may not be available in detox or in short-term outpatient treatment programs.

Additionally, the flexibility that is featured in intensive outpatient treatment allows treatment facilities to offer services to specific populations. One example is a men’s treatment program, a program specifically for women or women with children, or one that is specifically targeted to patients with a dual diagnosis.

Another important benefit to this type of treatment is that patients are allowed to continue residing at home or at a sober living home. They do not have to choose between their family or work responsibilities the way that they may have to if considering treatment at an inpatient treatment facility. Patients are allowed to spend time with their families, continue working, or going to school without interruption.

Reach Out to Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery Today

The first step to start your recovery today is to reach out to Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery. Our caring staff will perform an assessment to determine your treatment needs and the addiction treatment therapies that can help you reach your goals. The next step is to create an individualized treatment program to help you start on the path to lifelong recovery. Through medication, comprehensive support, and evidence-based therapies, you can begin to heal.

Contact Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery at 833.448.0127 today to learn more about our intensive outpatient program. Discover how we can help you start living a life free of addiction.

Which Type of Counseling Is Best for Recovery?

Drug and alcohol addiction takes a toll on your mind and body. Mental health disorders complicate matters, as well. For those who are ready to embrace treatment, it may be helpful to know a range of counseling types are available. That includes things like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and medication-assisted treatment (MAT). You may also embrace telehealth at Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery.

What Are the Types of Counseling We Offer?

There are a range of counseling types available because not everyone responds to therapy in the same manner. What is most critical is providing an individual with the type and level of care they need, so they obtain the best level of healing possible. Let’s explore the range of counseling types most commonly used and how they can help you.


Cognitive-behavioral therapy is designed to teach you how to notice negative thought patterns you are having and to recognize if they are accurate or not. It then applies a strategy that helps you to change those negative thoughts to help you avoid negative behaviors. CBT is very effective and tends to be a foundation in recovery.


Dialectical behavior therapy is a type of CBT. The goal here is to help a person to focus on living in the moment and learning to control thoughts and actions. It is designed to help a person to embrace better decision making.


Medication-assisted treatment is not a true counseling type. Rather, in a MAT program, medications are used to help you to manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings. The direct result of this is to help a person to gain more control over their thoughts by controlling dependence. MAT is often a big part of a successful recovery program.


Telehealth is also not a true type of counseling. Rather, it is a method of communicating. It allows people to work with their therapist online instead of coming into an office. For those who are looking for a way to improve their addiction, but are unable to make it to a treatment center for care, telehealth opens the door for opportunities.

Which of These Counseling Types Is Right for You?

The good news is you do not have to choose counseling types or even try to understand the details of each one. That’s what your therapists and doctors are for once you request care. Our team at Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery works closely with you to better understand your needs based on your addiction severity and the type and then makes recommendations for counseling types that may work for you. Many factors go into this decision, such as:

  • The type of drugs you’re using
  • Underlying mental health conditions
  • The severity of your withdrawal symptoms
  • Length of time you’ve used drugs
  • Access to in-person or online therapy

You can find treatment that’s right for your situation. These are just some of the counseling types that may be right for your situation. It’s our goal to empower you through comprehensive therapy and support.

Getting Help for Addiction Starts with Reaching Out

If you are serious about changing your life and accomplishing your goals, our team at Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery can help you. We encourage you to start the process by learning more about some of our programs and how they can work for you:

Embrace Treatment – Call Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery Now

If you are learning about the counseling types – CBT, DBT, MAT, and even telehealth, you’re ready for addiction treatment. There’s no benefit to putting it off. Reach out to Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery today to learn more about how we can help you start on the path of healing. Call 833.448.0127 or connect with us online now.