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How to Help a Loved One Seek Dual Diagnosis Treatment

a person helps their loved one into a dual diagnosis treatment center

Treating substance use disorder does not involve a one-size-fits-all approach. The same kind of treatment will not work for everyone. The underlying issues that can lead to substance abuse are hidden deep within us. Simply treating the addiction is not enough. However, a dual diagnosis treatment program can succeed where other single-focused programs fail. Finding the right dual diagnosis treatment center is the first step in finding the help you need for an effective recovery that lasts.

At Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, we focus on treating the addiction and the underlying reason behind it simultaneously. If you or a loved one is struggling with their recovery, give us a call at 833.448.0127 and schedule an appointment to see how we can help.

What Is a Dual Diagnosis Treatment Program?

A dual diagnosis treatment program has shown more success with treating opioid and other substance use disorders by treating the mental and physical side effects at the same time.

Those suffering from depression, bipolar disorder, or anxiety attacks will have a harder time staying away from their drug of choice. This can be due to the short-term relief that drugs or alcohol can provide.

In a dual diagnosis treatment program, there are several types of treatments available to treat the physical and mental symptoms of addiction:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Dialectical behavior therapy
  • Medication-assisted therapy
  • Individual and group therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Telehealth (virtual) therapy

Our dual diagnosis treatment center in Colorado can help with a complete recovery experience. We understand the difficulties of treating substance use disorder when combined with mental illness. That’s why we build treatment plans specific to our clients to teach them lifelong coping skills to reduce the risks of a relapse.

Helping a Loved One Enroll in a Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center

Convincing someone that they need treatment is the first hurdle to get over. Mental illness hides behind many things, and they may think they are under control or “functional.” They may not even be aware of their condition and therefore not even consider seeking help.

How can you tell if you or a loved one needs help from a dual diagnosis treatment program? Some of the signs to look for include:

  • Drinking or drug use begins to affect their work and personal lives
  • Withdrawing away from friends and family
  • Increased mood swings

Family history can play a role in addiction and mental illness, as children of parents who suffer from this disease are more susceptible to struggling with the same issues. Even if you feel like you have everything under control and don’t overuse drugs or alcohol, you can still benefit from a dual diagnosis treatment program. Remember, that OK feeling you get while under the influence is not reality.

  • Learn how to accept how you feel and begin to change it
  • Forming new relationships that will help you with your recovery
  • Increased energy and vitality
  • Gaining strong coping skills for life

The best way to help a friend or loved one understand the benefits of a dual diagnosis treatment program is to show how their actions hurt others. They might not be aware of the effects that their substance abuse has on others. However, by opening their eyes to how they affect others and themselves, they can accept help and begin the road to recovery.

Learn More About Dual Diagnosis Treatment at Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery

At Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, we are committed to your recovery with our dual diagnosis treatment programs. If you or a loved one can benefit from dual diagnosis treatment, contact us today. Our caring therapists will show you how our programs can help you lead a sober and happy life. Contact us 833.448.0127 today and schedule an appointment to learn more about our dual diagnosis treatment programs.