Relapse is a really difficult topic for people in drug addiction recovery. Since the 1930’s, recovery has been considered a black and white thing. It has long been believed that people are either in or out of recovery, they’re either using or they’re not. These days, however, decades of research tell us that that’s not true. That recovery is a spectrum that ideally does include long-term abstinence from drugs and alcohol, but that that may include the use of partial opioid agonists like buprenorphine, opioid blockers to keep us clean from alcohol, and opiates like Naltrexone, and it might include full-on relapse.
The first 6 months of recovery are the hardest and are statistically when most people relapse. Unfortunately, that means that that’s when most people fail out of treatment because most treatment programs fail to recognize the spectrum of recovery, they only recognize black and white sobriety. So when someone relapses, it means they failed and they have to leave rehab. But why? How is it good for someone to kick them out of drug addiction treatment when they most need drug addiction treatment? Does one or two uses of their long-time drug of choice mean they aren’t motivated or don’t’ care? Does it mean they can’t change? Or does it mean that they simply tripped a few times getting off the block, and that if we stick with that person they can win the race?
At Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, we reject the notion that every patient of ours has to have the same exact journey of success. Many of our patients have come in and never used again, and we’re proud of those patients. And yet we’re also extremely proud of those patients we’ve had who have had some really dark times during their treatment, and let us help them back into recovery where they have since found lasting success. Some patients came to us wanting to stay off of medications, and then after a few relapses found that an addiction medication like Suboxone, Subutex, Naltrexone or Vivitrol was exactly what they were missing! Relapse is a part of recovery for many of us. Don’t let relapse hold you back. If you had a relapse on drugs and alcohol and need help getting or staying on track, call Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery today 833.448.0127 for help.