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5 Benefits of Medication-Assisted Treatment

Many patients who enroll in an addiction treatment program will receive medications to help reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings. There are many benefits of medication-assisted treatment as it greatly increases a patient’s ability to complete their recovery with fewer risks of relapse. Colorado medication-assisted treatment gives men and women a safe and effective recovery experience that promotes life-long sobriety.

At Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, we provide compassionate care for men and women struggling with addiction or other mental health disorders. We combined the medication-assisted treatment benefits with evidence-backed behavioral therapies for a more effective treatment program. To discover all of the benefits of medication-assisted treatment, call 833.448.0127 or fill out our contact form today to speak with our compassionate staff to begin your recovery journey.

What Is Medication-Assisted Treatment?

Medication-assisted treatment, or MAT, provides medical support for men and women experiencing withdrawals from opioid or alcohol abuse. These medications can reduce painful physical symptoms while improving your mood and reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety that are common with addiction.

Some of the medications used in an MAT program are opioid-based and present a small risk of abuse. Medical professionals will administer medications and make adjustments to your dosages to find the right combinations. To give you the maximum MAT benefits, it may take several attempts before finding the best combination of medications.

At Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, we help our patients understand what to expect from their medication-assisted treatment program and the types of behavioral therapies they will participate in.

5 Benefits of Medication-Assisted Treatment

There are several medication-assisted treatment benefits that patients will experience during their recovery journey. Patients will get relief from their cravings and reduce painful withdrawals while developing new coping skills to stop their abuse.

Here are five benefits of medication-assisted treatment:

  1. One of the benefits of MAT is that it offers a safer way to detox. Withdrawal symptoms can be deadly if their addiction is severe and they try to detox without medication. Delirium tremens is one serious withdrawal symptom and can mimic symptoms of sepsis or head injury and lead to respiratory failure or cardiovascular collapse if left untreated.
  2. Increases retention in treatment programs. Patients are more likely to continue their treatment as they will not be discouraged by their cravings and withdrawal symptoms. They can begin focusing on their recovery right away and get back to their healthy self much faster than without an MAT program.
  3. Other MAT benefits include decreasing the risk of overdose and death. Men and women who try to quit alone are at a greater risk of relapse when their symptoms peak after 48 hours. If they give in to their cravings, they will likely use more without thinking about their lowered tolerance, potentially leading to overdose and death.
  4. Reduces the risk of unemployment and divorce. Addiction causes people to act against their nature and can cause problems at home and work. Showing up late and poor job performance is common with addiction, and it can fracture relationships and trust.
  5. Improves fertility and the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy. Women who stop their substance use and complete their addiction treatment program are more likely to become pregnant and deliver a healthy child.

Choose Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery to Discover All of the Benefits of Our Medication-Assisted Treatment

At Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, we support men and women with their recovery journey through our outpatient treatment facility. We combine the benefits of medication-assisted treatment with behavioral therapies for a more effective treatment program. The type of therapies we offer include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Dialectical behavior therapy
  • Individual and group therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Neurofeedback therapy
  • Case management and peer support

To discover all of the benefits of MAT in our outpatient programs, call 833.448.0127 today for more information about our addiction treatment programs.