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Tips for Summer Vacation While in Recovery

Summertime is approaching, and that means vacation time. If you are in recovery from drug or alcohol addiction and want to take a vacation, there are some great activities you can do on your vacation that just takes a little bit of planning to avoid triggers and temptations.

At Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, we will help you learn new and fun activities you can do on your vacations without going to the bars and clubs. Our addiction treatment programs will help you find new ways of staying active that don’t involve drugs or alcohol. And this is an excellent way for you to see how fun life in recovery can be.

Planning for Your Vacation in Recovery

Vacations are no longer just about going out and partying. That is the new way you need to view vacations to enjoy yourself without drugs or alcohol. With some planning and a willingness to do new things, you will find that your vacations in recovery are just as fun, and you will have the energy to do all of the fun stuff that vacations can offer.

Fun and Entertaining Activities

Even the tourist traps that are known for their nightlife can offer something for those in recovery.

  • Coffee/tea shops – Today, many coffee and tea shops draw a bigger crowd, and you can meet some interesting new locals.
  • Cultural activities – Take a tour around the local area and learn about a new culture and its history.
  • Pamper yourself – Now that you’re in recovery, treat your mind and body to a spa day with massages, meditation classes, and yoga.
  • Indulge your palate – Explore local cuisines and try new restaurants and enjoy the flavorful sensations.

Recovery from addiction is a process, but that does not mean you can’t enjoy yourself along the way. When you are at a point in your addiction treatment where you can be in public and not feel tempted, there is no reason why you can’t take a vacation.

What to Do If Your Friends Still Want to Party

What can you do when you are in the middle of your addiction treatment and have a family event you cannot get out of? Like a wedding or other event where you know you will be around a lot of temptations.

Don’t stress over wanting to go and still maintain your recovery. You can do both and still have a good time. Probably a better time as you won’t be in a substance-induced haze the entire trip.

Don’t Volunteer to Be the Designated Driver

Just because all of your friends are still drinking and you aren’t doesn’t mean you have to sit and wait to drive them back to the hotel. There are plenty of nighttime activities you can do that don’t involve drinking.

  • Explore the local community – Many vacation destinations can offer a rich cultural experience. A local festival can be fun, and interacting with people from a different culture can open your mind to new ways of thinking.
  • Shop – Celebrate your sobriety with a shopping spree with all that money you save by not drinking or smoking.
  • Quality time – Spending time with a close friend, partner, or even yourself. Reflection is a crucial step in your recovery, and doing this on vacation associates this with your recovery.

Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery Can Help You Build a Fun Life in Recovery

One of the misconceptions about recovery is that you will no longer have any fun. You might have associated your addiction with excitement, and you can’t imagine enjoying life without it. That is why our addiction treatment programs at Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery can help you change your mindset and associate fun activities with recovery.

When you are ready to start living a fun life in recovery, call us at 833.448.0127 or connect with our team online.