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Denver Outpatient Treatment Covered by Aetna Insurance

Men and women struggling with addiction or other mental health disorders can have most of their outpatient treatment covered by Aetna. Aetna provides coverage based on the individual’s needs with no predetermined limits on a patient’s coverage, including patient follow-up with their Continuing Care programs. At Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, the insurances we accept include Aetna and others that provide the best coverage to support your mental health needs.

Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery provides outpatient treatment for men and women ready to make a positive change. We combine medication-assisted treatment and behavioral therapy to give patients the best chances of recovering and leading productive lives. If you or a loved one struggles with depression, PTSD, or other mental health disorders, call 833.448.0127 today to learn more about outpatient treatment covered by Aetna and other insurances we accept.

How Can a Denver Outpatient Treatment Program Benefit You?

Mental health disorders affect each person in unique ways. Some people will have severe symptoms that disrupt their work and personal lives and need 24/7 care to recover safely. Those with milder symptoms may feel like they are beginning to lose control and want to get help before that happens.

A Denver outpatient treatment program offers support to men and women who want to improve their lives. An outpatient treatment program is best for those who can:

  • Commit to their recovery with minimal supervision
  • Follow instructions and meet at scheduled times
  • Abstain from drugs or alcohol
  • Have a supportive and sober home environment

At Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, our Denver outpatient treatment program is available to men and women who want to get control of their mental health but don’t need 24/7 support. Aetna rehab insurance coverage includes an intensive outpatient program (IOP) for those who can still maintain their work and family life while getting the mental health support they need.

Aetna Rehab Insurance Coverage for Outpatient Treatment

Aetna offers mental health support that works best to fit your individual needs. Patients can receive support for depression, anxiety, or any number of mental health disorders through outpatient treatment covered by Aetna. They can attend therapy in-person, over the phone, or through telehealth services.

Aetna rehab insurance coverage will cover:

  • Intensive outpatient program (IOP) – An intensive outpatient program supports men and women through outpatient treatment covered by Aetna. Patients attend therapy for several hours during the day or evening for a set number of days, depending on their unique condition. IOP offers a more flexible treatment option over inpatient treatment and can be done remotely through telehealth services.
  • Individual therapy – Behavioral therapy is an integral part of your treatment. Individual therapy guides patients to understand their feelings better and create healthy coping skills to lead a productive life. Patients uncover long-buried memories driving their addiction and depression so true healing can begin.
  • Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) – Patients whose withdrawal symptoms interfere with their recovery can benefit from an MAT program. Medical staff will administer medications and monitor your progress, and make adjustments to your medication as you progress through the program. The goal of an MAT program is for you to be 100% drug-free and not replace one drug with another.

Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery: Effective Outpatient Treatment Covered by Aetna

At Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, we offer outpatient treatment for men and women of all backgrounds. We can help with a number of mental health disorders such as substance abuse, depression, and PTSD through our outpatient facility. We provide:

  • In-person IOP
  • Online IOP
  • Outpatient detox
  • Medication-assisted treatment
  • Telehealth services
  • Comprehensive IOP that includes case management and family support

Call 833.448.0127 today to speak with our knowledgeable staff for more information about outpatient treatment covered by Aetna.