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Using Individual Therapy for Addiction

Addiction has a way of taking over your life, leaving you with feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, and despair. That’s why addiction treatment is essential for recovery. Individuals in recovery need support to overcome their addiction and the underlying issues that contributed to their addiction. Among the various forms of treatment available, individual therapy is an essential part of addiction treatment. While group sessions may provide support and peer accountability, individual therapy allows for personalized attention and the opportunity to work through underlying issues in a private setting.

Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery offers individual therapy in Colorado that supports patients as they work toward recovery. Call 833.448.0127 today to get started.

How Does Individual Therapy for Addiction Support Recovery?

Individual therapy, also known as talk therapy or counseling, is a form of mental health therapy that focuses on the mental and emotional aspects of addiction. This form of therapy helps people in recovery to identify the underlying causes and triggers of their addiction and develop coping skills to manage cravings, stress, and emotions. Individual therapy involves one-on-one sessions between the individual and a licensed therapist who specializes in addiction treatment.

One-on-one sessions provide a safe, non-judgmental space where patients in recovery can share their experiences, emotions, and thoughts without the fear of being stigmatized or misunderstood. A skilled therapist can help individuals in recovery identify their negative thought patterns, behaviors, and emotions that contribute to their addiction and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

What to Expect in Individual Therapy

Individual therapy sessions typically last 45-60 minutes and occur on a regular schedule, usually weekly or bi-weekly. The therapist will first conduct an assessment of the individual’s addiction and medical history and develop a treatment plan customized to their specific needs. The treatment plan may include various evidence-based therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), motivational interviewing, and mindfulness-based therapy.

In individual therapy sessions, people in recovery may discuss their past experiences, current challenges, goals, and progress toward recovery. They may also receive feedback, guidance, and support from the therapist. The therapist may teach relaxation techniques, stress management, and healthy coping skills to help individuals in recovery manage their addiction and improve their mental health.

The Benefits of Individual Therapy for Addiction

Individual therapy is a vital part of addiction treatment. Here are a few of the benefits of individual therapy for addiction:

  • Provides a safe, non-judgmental space for individuals in recovery to express their feelings and thoughts without fear of stigma
  • Helps individuals in recovery to identify the underlying causes of their addiction and develop healthier coping mechanisms
  • Offers personalized treatment plans tailored to the unique needs of the individual
  • Provides a supportive, collaborative partnership between the individual and therapist
  • Helps individuals in recovery to cope with triggers and manage cravings
  • Provides an opportunity for individuals in recovery to receive feedback, guidance, and support from a licensed therapist
  • Teaches stress management, relaxation techniques, and healthy coping skills
  • Helps improve overall mental and emotional well-being

No matter where you are on your journey to recovery, individual therapy can help you progress toward a healthier, happier life free of addiction.

Call Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery Today

Individual therapy for addiction is an essential component of addiction treatment. At Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, we offer individual therapy as part of our comprehensive addiction treatment program. We understand that addiction recovery is a journey that requires support, guidance, and understanding. Our licensed therapists specialize in addiction treatment and provide customized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs. Contact us today by calling 833.448.0127 or reach out online to learn more about how individual therapy can support your recovery journey.

3 Benefits of Recovery Groups

If you are addicted to opioids or other substances and are beginning the road to recovery, it can be challenging to face your substance use issue head-on instead of hiding from it. Speaking to a stranger alone is not easy, and the thought of group therapy can keep others away from treatment. However, recovery groups can offer the support you need as you work to overcome addiction.

At Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, we specialize in individual therapy and group therapy for addiction in a safe and encouraging environment. You are fighting a disease, and there is no shame in that. If you or someone you know needs help with substance abuse, please our team at 833.448.0127 and speak with one of our addiction treatment specialists today.

6 Key Benefits of Addiction Recovery Groups

Once you enroll in an addiction recovery group, it may take some time to feel comfortable sharing. However, once you begin to open up, you’ll find that these groups can help you heal.

1. Encouragement From Other Group Members

In one-on-one sessions, the only person encouraging you to interact is your therapist. While individual therapy sessions can be the right setting to work through deeply personal issues, in a group setting, you will be encouraged by everyone to share your story after hearing others in your group share theirs.

Hearing others speak up about their experiences will make it easier for you to follow suit.

2. Opening Yourself up to a New Perspective

You have a strong view of how you see the world and how others see you. However, by telling your story to your group, you hear how others react and give feedback. You will have an easier time trusting them because you know they are in the same boat. This beneficial technique helps you see through your disease and begin to heal.

3. A Sense of Belonging

The stigma of addiction still keeps many people from seeking treatment, leaving them feeling alone and afraid to ask for help. When you share your struggles with others in your group, you form a deep bond that only these shared experiences can build.

By surrounding yourself with your group and interacting with them, you build a powerful shield against your addiction.

4. An Opportunity to Practice New Coping Skills

When you share your story with the group, they can offer suggestions on how to better handle your triggers and thoughts. This is an invaluable opportunity to try out different coping skills in a safe environment before putting them into practice in real-life situations.

5. Receive Positive Reinforcement

Addiction recovery groups allow you to learn from the successes of others. In a group setting, you will receive positive reinforcement from other members when they see how far you have come. This can help to boost your self-confidence and motivate you to continue on your path of recovery.

6. Reduce Stress and Anxiety Levels

By actively engaging in a group setting, your stress and anxiety levels will be reduced. You’ll have the opportunity to form connections with other people going through similar experiences which helps create an emotional support system for yourself.

The Five Stages of Recovery

As you begin the journey to recovery, it can be helpful to know what to expect.

  • Pre-contemplation – The addiction has negative effects on your life, and you have yet to recognize the problem.
  • Contemplation – Recognizing the problem is a significant step.
  • Preparation – Deciding to start a group therapy program can require planning if you need to remain at a treatment center. It’s best to have someone help you prepare.
  • Action – Following up on your decision and actively working on your recovery takes effort.
  • Maintenance – After your treatment program ends, it is vital to avoid old triggers until you are more comfortable with your recovery.

A successful addiction recovery group involves action. One of the hardest things to do is openly talk about your disease. Being in a group of others going through the same problem can help make you feel more comfortable opening up.

How Can Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery Help You?

At Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, we believe addiction recovery should involve group therapy sessions along with individual therapy to better treat the mental and physical aspects of this terrible disease.

Addiction recovery groups have many beneficial effects on your recovery that you would not get with individual therapy. Once you begin, you will quickly realize the benefits of your group therapy sessions as you start to gain control of your addiction. If you or someone you know is ready to begin the recovery process, call 833.448.0127 today and schedule an appointment.

What Happens During the Individual Therapy Process?

When someone seeks out therapy or counseling for addiction, there are many options to choose from. Who delivers it, how it’s accessed, and how it’s approached all differ depending on the type of therapy a person seeks out. If one-on-one counseling is the person’s choice, it is often helpful to know what to expect during the individual therapy process. Learn more about individual therapy in Colorado by calling Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery today at 833.448.0127.

What Is Individual Therapy?

Individual therapy is a type of counseling that is also commonly referred to as psychotherapy or talk therapy. Trained mental health professionals deliver treatment in a safe, confidential, one-on-one setting. During this time, clients can explore their feelings and identify areas that may need work, including beliefs, behaviors, memory influences, or addictions. The overall goal of this type of therapy is to help the client talk through mental health concerns so that they can heal and move toward a healthier life.

Why Choose an Individual Therapy Program?

Psychotherapy has been shown to result in fewer relapses related to common conditions such as moderate anxiety and depression. The right kind of therapy can have long-lasting positive effects. Oftentimes, individual therapy is more effective than rehabilitation drugs or medical treatments alone, and techniques such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) are evidence-based, providing further backing to their effectiveness.

The individual therapy process is known to have the following benefits:

  • Effective for all ages
  • Continued progress after treatment is completed
  • Potential reduction of the need for medical intervention
  • Fewer side effects than with the use of rehabilitative drugs
  • It may improve the daily functioning of those with mental health disorders
  • Effective in addressing multiple issues

Individuals entering individual therapy will often be assessed for current symptoms and mental health history. These measures help therapists sculpt effective therapy plans that address relevant concerns.

Types of Individual Therapy

Because each therapist approaches their counseling sessions differently depending on the client’s needs, it can be helpful to understand each type. Some of the most common types of individual therapy include:

Each type of therapy modality will provide unique benefits to those who engage in them. However, some common therapy methods have proven effective for most people.

Three Common Individual Therapies

The main three used in most individual therapy sessions are CBT, DBT, and EMDR.


Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a process that works to assess how a person thinks and behaves to improve the way they feel. It is most helpful for mood disorders, substance use disorders, and sleep disorders. Because of this, it is often the individual therapy method used for those with co-occurring conditions.


As a newer form of therapy, dialectical behavior therapy helps clients build healthy coping skills. Mindfulness, stress tolerance, and emotional regulation are commonly used during the process.


Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing is most commonly used to treat trauma and related disorders. In this process, bilateral stimulation is used to process and remove physical and psychological blockages.

What to Expect During an Individual Therapy Program

Individual therapy is different for each patient. The goals, frequency, duration, and techniques will depend on the client and even the therapist’s preference. Most sessions last between 45 and 50 minutes, occur at least once a week, and last as long as it takes to resolve the issues present.

Psychotherapy begins after the client and therapist determine that it will be the most beneficial option. Afterward, forms to protect patient privacy and share clinical history are typically filled out. Often, the first appointment is used to discuss concerns, history, and goals so that the client and therapist can be on the same page. Through repeated sessions, the therapist and client can build trust and deepen the relationship to cover more ground toward recovery.

How Long Are Individual Therapy Plans?

Depending on the needs of the individual, therapy plans can range from a few weeks to months or even years. The duration of the individual therapy process usually depends on how long it takes for the individual to reach their treatment goals or objectives. However, many individuals find that having ongoing therapy is beneficial as they work through life’s challenges and continue making progress in recovery.

Many people in a rehab setting will engage with their therapist for as long as they are in treatment. This allows them to address any comorbid conditions they may have and work on their triggers, emotions, and feelings to build a foundation for successful recovery.

Choose Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery for Your Individual Therapy Needs

When it comes time for individual therapy, Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery can help. We work toward a complete recovery for clients who benefit from our highly accessible options, including remote telehealth, outpatient programs, and neuro-feedback. Visit our website or contact us at [Direct] for more information.

5 Surprising Benefits of Individual Therapy

Addiction recovery can be a difficult but ultimately rewarding journey. There are as many approaches to individual recovery as there are individual stories of addiction. One strategy commonly utilized to help with the process is individual therapy. Talking with a therapist one-on-one is a powerful tool to help those struggling with addiction get to the root of their issues and create a personalized plan to reach recovery goals.

Though individual therapy may at first seem like a scary endeavor, it offers many important benefits to those recovering from addiction. If you’re looking for individual therapy in Thornton, CO or in the surrounding area, Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery can help. Connect with our team today at [Direct[ to learn more.

The Role of Individual Therapy in Addiction Recovery

Individual therapy is an instrumental part of the addiction recovery process. A therapist can provide individualized guidance and help individuals identify any underlying mental health concerns that may have contributed to the addiction. They can also help uncover triggers and help patients develop healthy coping skills through therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or dialectical behavior therapy (DBT).

Individual therapy can complement group therapy. In individual therapy, individual attention is paid to the individual’s unique needs. In group therapy, individuals can find comfort in knowing they are not alone and can draw strength from each other as they tackle their individual issues together.

Five Surprising Benefits of Individual Therapy for Addiction Recovery

Over the course of individual therapy sessions, patients can unlock many benefits that are essential to the recovery process.

1. Increased Self-Awareness

Individual therapy can help individuals identify any underlying issues that may have contributed to their addiction, such as depression or anxiety. Often, these concerns can be difficult to recognize or cope with on one’s own. Because individual therapy provides individualized attention, patients can identify and address these issues in a safe space.

Depression and anxiety can be triggers for addiction, so addressing them can be an important part of recovery. Otherwise, after the transition back to life outside of treatment, the individual may relapse due to the same triggers that caused their addiction in the first place.

2. Improved Relationships

Addiction not only affects the individual, but also those close to them. It can damage personal relationships and create a feeling of disconnection. Individual therapy can help those in treatment learn better communication and conflict-resolution skills, as well as explore any underlying issues that may have caused them to turn to addiction in the first place.

3. Coping Strategies for Trigger Management

What are triggers? Triggers can be anything that causes an individual to feel a strong urge to use substances or engage in addictive behaviors. These can include:

  • Stress
  • People, places, and things associated with the individual’s addiction
  • Certain emotions such as anger, sadness, or guilt

Through individual therapy, patients can learn coping strategies and skills to identify their potential triggers and successfully manage them. This is an essential part of ongoing recovery and helps individuals build a strong foundation for their long-term recovery.

4. Improved Self-Confidence

Addiction can take your self-confidence and make it harder to live life independently. In individual therapy, patients can regain the confidence needed to tackle life free from addiction. The self-confidence built in individual therapy gives those in treatment the strength to move forward and achieve their goals.

5. Empowerment

As individual therapy progresses, patients can feel a sense of control and empowerment. This feeling of power is essential for continued success in recovery and helps individuals to become more independent. In individual therapy, patients can learn to make decisions and manage their lives without relying on substances or addictive behaviors.

Reach Out to Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery

Ready to take the next step in recovery? Contact Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery at 833.448.0127 today.

What Is Individual Therapy

If you are asking what individual therapy is, you or someone in your life is struggling with addiction, depression, or other disorders and needs help getting over their symptoms. Individual therapy is a form of psychotherapy where patients talk with a trained therapist about any number of issues that are impacting their well-being. When combined with medical support, individual therapy is very effective in easing patients’ symptoms and helping them lead their best lives.

At Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, our accredited treatment facility provides individual and group therapy along with other treatment options for treating addiction, PTSD, and other mental health illnesses. Our behavioral therapists are up to date on the latest treatment modalities. They will work with you to uncover the root cause of the disorder and develop coping skills for managing your symptoms and triggers. If you are doing an online search for individual therapy near me, click on the link for Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, or call 833.448.0127 today to learn more about our addiction treatment facility.

What Is Individual Therapy?

Individual therapy is a form of psychotherapy that works with individuals on any number of issues they are facing. For depression, addiction, and other mental health disorders, individual therapy is very beneficial in helping patients work through the thoughts and feelings that are causing a problem. They develop a better understanding of their condition and learn new ways to cope with their symptoms and triggers.

An effective treatment program will combine group and individual therapy along with medication-assisted treatment to treat all aspects of their symptoms and improve their ability to lead happy and healthy lives. Just some of the disorders that individual therapy can treat include:

  • Trauma-induced disorders
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Substance use disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Eating disorders
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Panic disorders

At Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, we will review your treatment program with you and your family, so everyone knows what to expect. During admissions, we will answer any questions you have, such as what individual therapy is and how it can benefit your recovery.

The Benefits of Enrolling in Individual Therapy Near You

There are many benefits of enrolling in a treatment program that uses a wide range of options for addressing the addiction and any underlying causes that are fueling it. Individual therapy allows therapists a chance to build trust and a rapport with each patient and create an atmosphere that encourages honest communication and healing.

Just some of the benefits of enrolling in individual therapy include the following:

  • You will work one-on-one with a certified behavioral therapist with experience treating addiction, depression, and any other mental health disorder in a safe and discreet environment. They will help you process any troubling thoughts and feelings that trigger your symptoms and learn how to replace the endless loop of negative thinking with healthier thinking patterns.
  • During therapy, medical staff will administer medication to minimize any withdrawal symptoms, cravings, and other symptoms that are interfering with the recovery process. They will monitor you for any adverse reactions and make adjustments to the dosage as you progress and no longer need the medication. Most patients will be 100% drug-free by the end of the program.
  • Parents and spouses will participate in individual therapy, so they can learn all about addiction and how devastating it can be to the person and their loved ones. They will talk with a therapist to vent any anger or frustration in a safe space so they can move on and learn how to create a supportive home environment.

Individual therapy is very beneficial in treating addiction, depression, PTSD, and other mental health disorders. Patients will learn healthy coping skills that will benefit them now and in the future and significantly improve their overall well-being.

Choose Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery for Individual Therapy Services

What is individual therapy? At Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, we will answer all of your questions about your treatment program and what to expect during the process. We combine individual therapy with group therapy and medical treatment for a well-rounded treatment experience. The types of therapy we offer include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Dialectical behavior therapy
  • Motivational interviewing
  • EMDR therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Neurofeedback therapy

If you or a loved one is struggling with depression, substance abuse, or other disorders, call 833.448.0127 or send us an online message to discover all of the benefits of our mental health treatment center.

Individual Therapy for Opioid Addiction

Opioids are a popular pain medication with a high rate of abuse and addiction due to the euphoric sensations this narcotic produces. Despite the dangers, opioids are still prescribed today for patients with chronic pain or recovering after an accident or surgery. For those who abuse their prescription and form an addiction, individual therapy for opioid addiction is available through an opioid addiction treatment program in Denver, Colorado.

At Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, we support individuals from all walks of life through our outpatient addiction treatment center. We use a combination of behavioral and holistic therapies along with medication-assisted treatment for a safer and more effective recovery experience. Patients work at their own pace and can continue therapy for as long as necessary to maintain their sober lifestyle. If you or a loved one is struggling with opioid addiction, reach out to our compassionate staff today by calling 833.448.0127 or fill out our online form for more information about our opioid addiction treatment program.

What Is Opioid Addiction?

Opioids cause a release of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is responsible for pain relief and euphoria. With higher doses of opioids, the higher the euphoric feelings, which can be very addictive for those who are depressed or struggle with other mental health illnesses. The more you take, the more your body comes to depend on the narcotic to release any amount of dopamine. When patients stop taking opioids, they will go into withdrawals that can last for several weeks.

If you feel a friend or loved one can benefit from opioid addiction therapy, here are some of the signs of opioid addiction to look out for:

  • Frequent flu-like symptoms
  • Drowsiness
  • Changes in sleep habits
  • Having multiple prescriptions from different doctors
  • Taking opioids longer than prescribed

At Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, our therapists have experience working with all types of addiction and will answer all of your questions about what is opioid addiction and what it will take to recover and manage their symptoms.

The Benefits of Individual Therapy for Opioid Addiction

There are many benefits of individual therapy for individuals who are ready to make a positive change in their lives. It gives patients a private space to talk about what led to the addiction and work on developing coping skills to stop the abuse.

Here are some of the benefits of an individual therapy program that patients can experience during their opioid addiction therapy:

  • A tailored treatment experience where therapists focus on the issues that directly relate to each patient’s symptoms and causes of addiction.
  • Patients learn about the devastating effects of opioid addiction and how it affects everyone in their lives.
  • Therapists teach patients healthy coping skills to manage their symptoms and abstain from taking more pills.
  • Patients will participate in medication-assisted treatment to reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Medical staff will administer medication and monitor your reactions for any adverse effects.
  • Patients regain their self-esteem and confidence in their ability to maintain their sobriety no matter what life throws at them.

Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery Provides Individual Therapy for Treating Opioid Addiction

At Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, our individual therapy for opioid addiction is very effective in helping men and women recover from opioid addiction. Our outpatient treatment programs allow patients to continue their therapy while keeping up with work and personal commitments. We offer a full range of behavioral therapies, including:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy

Today is the best time to make that call that will change your life for the better. Call 833.448.0127 today to speak with our compassionate staff to learn how we can help you reach your recovery goals.

Using Aetna for Your Individual Therapy Program

Addiction and other mental health concerns are difficult to treat with a one-size-fits-all type of therapy. Some people will need 24/7 care to get help with their symptoms, while others benefit more from outpatient treatment and a less intense form of therapy. An individual therapy program covered by Aetna is an essential part of any treatment plan. Patients work to uncover the root cause of their symptoms and develop coping skills to lead healthy and productive lives.

At Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, we help men and women struggling with depression or other mental health disorders through individual therapy and other beneficial programs. We accept Aetna and other major insurance plans to cover the cost of treatment and will go over your coverage options when you arrive at our facility. For more information about our individual therapy program covered by Aetna, call 833.448.0127 today to speak with our knowledgeable staff.

What is Individual Therapy?

An individual therapy program is a form of psychotherapy where trained therapists will work with patients in private one-on-one therapy. They assist patients in gaining a better understanding of their thoughts and emotions and how they impact their behavior. Patients will develop new coping skills to replace negative thoughts and behaviors while working on improving communication and relationship skills.

Individual therapy uses various types of psychotherapy to help patients, including:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) – This form of therapy helps patients understand the connection between their thoughts and actions and how to change them.
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) – This is a form of CBT that focuses on patients with borderline personality disorders. It is also very beneficial in reducing self-harming or suicidal thoughts for patients with other mental health disorders.
  • Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) – Patients learn to accept their thoughts and emotions instead of ignoring them and form healthy coping skills to stop harmful habits.
  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) – This is a new form of therapy that uses talk therapy and visual distractions in patients who are struggling with trauma. It works to break the association of the trauma with the negative thoughts that are impeding the patient’s recovery.

What is individual therapy? At Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, we use individual therapy along with other forms of talk therapy to help patients reduce their symptoms and reach their treatment goals. We offer inpatient and outpatient treatment programs to treat a number of mental health disorders, such as depression, PTSD, and substance use disorders.

Aetna Insurance Coverage for Individual Therapy

Aetna offers coverage for patients who need mental health support through outpatient treatment programs. Many in-network services will have a 0% coinsurance, meaning you will not have to pay a deductible before your insurance kicks in. Plans may only cover 30-50% of the costs for out-of-network treatment centers. Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery is in-network for Aetna, and many of our patients have zero out-of-pocket costs.

Aetna offers insurance for the following addiction and mental health therapy programs:

  • Drug and alcohol detox
  • Partial hospitalization programs
  • Intensive outpatient programs
  • Continuing care programs

Your individual coverage will vary depending on the plan you are on. During your initial evaluation, insurance experts will review your policy and discuss your coverage options along with additional funding for paying any out-of-pocket expenses if necessary.

For an Effective Individual Therapy Program, Choose Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery

Men and women in Colorado can receive compassionate and effective therapy through our individual therapy program. We tailor our treatment programs at Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery based on your individual symptoms. Patients will participate in a number of beneficial programs that include:

  • Medication-assisted treatment
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Dialectical behavior therapy
  • Group and individual therapy
  • Family therapy

Reach out to our friendly staff today at 833.448.0127 to review your Aetna insurance coverage and begin treatment for substance abuse or other mental health disorders.

When to Seek Individual Therapy for Addiction

One of the main reasons people do not seek out addiction treatment is because they think they have everything under control. It is only after an accident or significant loss that they realize they have a problem. Individual therapy for addiction can help you better understand your addiction and how you can avoid future triggers and cravings.

At Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, our individual therapy programs can help with addiction recovery through our flexible outpatient and telehealth services and behavioral therapy that will give you your best chances at recovery. If you or a loved one is ready to get control of their addiction, call 833.448.0127 today to learn more about our addiction therapy programs.

Why Individual Therapy Is Beneficial for Addiction Recovery

The main goal of individual therapy for addiction is to better understand how your addiction has changed your thought processes and chemical makeup to where you need the substance to function. Through multiple therapy sessions, you will begin to see where your addiction stems from and create healthy coping skills that will keep your cravings at bay.

Motivational Interviewing

Motivational interviewing is a form of therapy where the therapist walks you through understanding your addiction and recognizing the whys and hows behind it. Instead of being told what’s happening, you discover the reasons through support and encouragement from the therapist, creating a stronger belief in your ability to recover.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT can help individuals recognize their negative thoughts and behaviors and how they are driving their addiction in a never-ending loop. This bad habit started a long time ago, and with the help of your therapist, you can learn how to break your bad habit and create new ones that don’t have you reaching for your substance of choice.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

DBT focuses on changing the individual’s behavior and their home life to make sobriety easier for them. It teaches them several new skills to help manage emotions, create a sense of mindfulness, and help improve broken relationships due to their addiction.

At Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, our addiction treatment therapies include motivational interviewing, CBT, DBT, and many more options, including:

  • Group therapy
  • Family counseling
  • Neurofeedback therapy
  • Case management
  • Peer support

We want to help you in the best way possible. As you progress through your therapy, your therapists will continuously update your treatment to ensure positive results.

When It’s Time for an Individual Therapy Program

If you think you are using addictive substances without causing harm to yourself or others, that can be a sign of addiction and dependency. There are several signs to help you recognize that you are not as functional as you might think:

  • You are using more to reach the same high
  • Work and school performance suffers
  • Withdrawing from your friends and family
  • Poor sleep
  • Intense cravings that you cannot ignore

If you are struggling with any of these signs, it is time to call Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery to help with your addiction treatment.

Addiction Treatment Therapies for Your Recovery at CMAR

Understanding that you need help is just the first step toward recovery. Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery can help you with the second, third, and continuing steps with our addiction treatment therapies and medication-assisted therapy if necessary.

When you come in for your evaluation, one of our therapists will sit down with you, go over your motivation behind your recovery, and determine the best course of action for your addiction treatment. We have flexible treatment options available, including outpatient and telehealth services for those who cannot take time off of work.

When you are serious about your addiction recovery or know someone who can benefit from our programs, call 833.448.0127 today to learn more about our addiction therapy programs and how they can help you toward a sober life.

CBT Program in Colorado

Many people who struggle with addiction and co-occurring mental health issues like depression or anxiety can benefit from a cognitive-behavioral therapy program (CBT). This type of therapy has helped many get back to living healthy and productive lives. The stigma of needing therapy is long gone as millions in the US suffer from stress and anxiety, leading to more severe problems like depression and suicide.

At Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery, we offer CBT programs to help you get back on your feet and build healthy coping skills for sustainable recovery. Our certified therapists will work with you to get to the root cause of your addiction and help you stop turning to drugs and alcohol. When you are ready to help yourself or a loved one with their addiction, call 833.448.0127 today to learn more.

What Is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a form of psychological treatment with proven results in helping patients deal with a wide range of behavioral issues. These include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Substance abuse
  • Eating disorders
  • Marital troubles
  • Social anxiety

If someone is suffering from addiction, it is from an underlying issue and not simply because they want to drink or smoke. The temporary high is a big draw for those looking for an escape. Therapy programs that treat physical addiction often fail because they only treat one side of the addiction.

Benefits of CBT

Through a combination of individual therapy and group sessions, your therapist will work you through finding that first moment that started your addiction by looking at what drove you to this coping device. You might have experienced trauma in the past or might have turned to drugs and alcohol to feel relief from mental health conditions.

When you begin a cognitive-behavioral therapy program and begin dealing with what is driving your addiction, you will start feeling many positive benefits. These include:

  • New coping mechanisms
  • A calmer self
  • Improved communications skills
  • Improved mental clarity
  • New supportive friends that you can count on

The goal of any CBT program is to help you find ways to deal with triggers in a healthy way. These coping skills are helpful tools that you will use throughout your life.

Is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Right for You?

Finding the right therapy program can be difficult if you don’t know the underlying issue. You try to quit on your own, only to fail a few days or even months later, sometimes with challenging results as a relapse tends to try and make up for lost time. Your tolerance levels have dropped, but you still think you can handle as much as you once did.

Other treatment centers only focus on the addiction itself and isolate you from your regular life, but don’t do anything to find the root cause of the issue. Their method is to treat the addiction, then send you off to treat the underlying reason for the addiction. This type of single-sided treatment often leads to a half-baked approach to your therapy.

A cognitive-behavioral therapy program will treat both the physical side of addiction and the mental side.

Finding the Right Therapy Program at Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery

When you are ready to help yourself, a friend, spouse, or family member with their addiction, Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery is available to assist in your recovery. With specialized programs that deal with addiction and mental illness, we can get you healthy and back to a productive life with a cognitive toolkit that will be a powerful shield against the outside world.

We offer telehealth options for those who are unable or uncomfortable leaving their homes, as well as in-person and outpatient programs. If you or someone you care about is suffering from addiction and mental illness, please call 833.448.0127 today and speak with a supportive therapist.


Cortland Mathers-Suter

Managing Partner

Cortland Mathers-Suter entered the treatment space after his own battle with addiction. He first worked as a peer mentor, before starting clinical work while completing his Masters of Science in social administration from Case Western Reserve University where he focused on policy and direct practice. Cortland moved to Colorado in 2015 to start his first addiction treatment program, AspenRidge Recovery. Under his tenure, AspenRidge Recovery became a two-location, nationally accredited organization. He has since spent the last two years researching and developing what is now Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery (CMAR).

According to Cortland, “Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery is the most important organization I have had the honor to help build. We’re offering a service that seeks to not only improve the lives of our patients but also evolve how we look at medication-assisted treatment in Colorado entirely. Most individuals receiving medication-assisted care only receive medication and urinalysis. Sure you can call that ‘treatment,’ but you can’t call that ‘recovery.’ Our model is about adding the missing recovery component, and thus affords an opportunity to achieve lasting change for each patient and the industry.”

Cortland and his treatment programs have received numerous honors. These include Colorado Business Magazine’s “GenXYZ” award, the 2020 “Titan 100” award, and his program AspenRidge Recovery was both a finalist for “Best Healthcare Company” and named in the “Company’s to Watch” by Colorado Business Magazine as well. He has been interviewed and quoted by numerous publications for his “addiction expertise”, including News Week, 5280 Magazine, the Denver Post, Elephant Journal, Colorado Biz Mag, and

Tyler Whitman

Compliance/HR Administrator

Tyler is originally from Omaha, Nebraska. He worked in manufacturing administration for 18 years until he chose to pursue recovery from alcohol addiction, which led him to Chicago, Illinois. Since then, Tyler gained experience in retail, retail pharmacy, and healthcare as a vaccine coordinator for a local Colorado clinic. At the clinic, Tyler discovered that healthcare was the career change he had been looking for. His newfound passion for healthcare, combined with his lived experience with addiction, brought him to Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery as an Office Administrator.

In his free time, Tyler enjoys cooking, hiking, and skiing. He is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Health Services Administration from Regis University.

Simmeren Boanvala

Outreach and Admissions Representative

Simmeren comes to CMAR after several years working admissions in inpatient psychiatry and addiction. A first-generation Colorado Native, Simmeren attended CU Boulder, where she earned a BA in psychology. Simmeren is currently completing her CAC III while working toward her master’s degree in marriage and family therapy.

According to Simmeren, “I joined CMAR because I believe in the quality and importance of the program whole-heartedly. My goal at CMAR is to guide each prospect who calls CMAR to find the best possible pathway to their recovery”. Simmeren currently lives in her hometown with her dog and cat.

Tyler Hale

Tyler Hale

Community Partnership Lead

Tyler Hale began his career in addiction treatment following a decades-long fight with his own substance abuse issues. Since achieving long-term recovery, Tyler has held various positions in direct care, client services, admissions and outreach departments at various addiction treatment organizations. From sober living program director to outreach director to admissions director at a drug and alcohol treatment program, Tyler consistently finds himself in leadership roles within the addiction treatment space.

Tyler is originally from Chicago, IL, where he graduated from Loyola University Chicago with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Bioethics. Thereafter, Tyler built a successful career in the tech industry, before finding sobriety and a subsequent calling to help others. Tyler joined the team at CMAR because he believes in the efficacy of comprehensive and patient-centered outpatient treatment. In his free time Tyler enjoys camping, hiking and spending time with his newborn son.

Kirstin O’Carroll

Engagement and Relations Director

Kirstin O’Carroll started her career in addiction and mental health services 23 years ago after graduating with an MSW from The Oho State University. Hired directly from an internship program, she served as a case manager and vocational specialist on a community treatment team in Columbus, OH, working to help severely mentally ill adults remain at home and in a community setting. Within the same organization, she later transitioned to clinical assessment and crisis intervention services with children, adolescents, and adults. Through these experiences, she learned the importance of providing empathetic, high-quality care and the need to “start wherever the patient is” with regard to finding the best treatment & solutions for her patients.

After seven years, Kirstin made a career change to diagnostic sales and worked for several Fortune 500 companies as an acute care sales specialist. She is delighted to return “home” to her passion for helping others and believes her new role as community engagement coordinator for CMAR is the perfect alignment of both her clinical and sales skills. When not promoting CMAR, she can be found reading, running, hiking, watching movies, and spending time with her husband Dennis and senior canine son Reggie.

Thomas Mazzarella

Primary Therapist

Thomas is a Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC) in the State of Colorado and a Licensed Addictions Specialist (LCAS) in the State of North Carolina with particular expertise in the treatment of chronic Substance Abuse Addiction and Dependency.

Thomas is dedicated to Individual, Couples, Family, and Group Counseling and Therapy for individuals with Substance Use and Mental Health issues and concerns.

James Jackman

Primary Therapist

James Jackman is a Certified Addiction Specialist and has been practicing addiction treatment in Colorado since 2015. James is pursuing his bachelor’s degree in psychology from Metropolitan State University Denver. James is a traditional CBT therapist specializing in childhood events that lead to adult addictions.

James has received special training in Family Systems, Inner Child, Maladaptive Schemas, and Adverse Childhood Experiences. James has worked in many treatment settings throughout his career and uses a client-centered treatment approach to help one recover from destructive patterns that facilitate addiction. In addition, James enjoys working with rescue animals and advocates for several local rescue organizations outside of work.

Outside of the office, Megan enjoys spending time with her two German Shepherds and her cat. She is passionate about fostering animals through various local rescues to find adoptive homes for dogs and cats in need.

Megan Hanekom

Therapist & Clinical Compliance Officer

Megan is a licensed counselor who has worked in various mental health and addiction treatment environments. She practices cognitive behavioral therapy and motivational interviewing and believes in pulling from various therapeutic approaches to best support each individual. Megan received her bachelor’s in psychology and Spanish from Concordia College. She relocated from North Dakota to Colorado where she earned a master’s in counseling psychology from the University of Denver.

Outside of the office, Megan enjoys spending time with her two German Shepherds and her cat. She is passionate about fostering animals through various local rescues to find adoptive homes for dogs and cats in need.

Maggie Coyle

Primary Therapist

Maggie Coyle, MS, MA, LPP, LPCC has worked in the mental health and addictions counseling field for the past six years. She has extensive experience in working in the varying levels of mental health and addictions treatment as well as with diverse populations.

She practices cognitive-behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy as primary intervention methods. She has earned a bachelor’s degree in sociology as well as a master’s degree in clinical mental health counseling both from Northern State University in Aberdeen, SD. She has also earned a master’s degree in addictions counseling from the University of South Dakota in Vermillion, SD. Maggie moved from South Dakota to Colorado in June 2020 and is excited to be a part of the CMAR team.

Michael Damioli

Clinical Director

Michael Damioli has been passionately working in the fields of addiction treatment and mental health since 2012. He has held a variety of different roles within the addiction recovery space, ranging from peer support to direct clinical practice. Notably, Michael was part of a leadership group that developed a small therapy practice into a nationally branded addiction treatment program, which offers multiple levels of care to recovering professionals. Michael is a strong believer in the family disease model of addiction and has focused much of his clinical work and training on supporting families impacted by addiction. He also specializes in treating individuals suffering from co-occurring chemical and process addictions.

Michael is honored to be leading the clinical care team at CMAR and believes that excellent clinical care begins by simply treating a patient with dignity and respect. Michael is a strong advocate for ethical reform within the addiction treatment field and is excited to promote CMAR as an ethical and thought leader throughout the treatment & recovery industry. Michael earned his master’s degree in social work from the University of Denver and is independently licensed as a clinical social worker with the state of Colorado. He holds an advanced post-graduate certificate in marriage and family therapy from the Denver Family Institute as well as an advanced certificate in sexual addiction counseling from the International Institute of Trauma and Addiction Professionals.


Dwight Duncan


Dr. Duncan was born and spent most of his early life in California. He received his doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Denver in 1987. He is a licensed psychologist as well as a licensed addiction counselor. He has had extensive training and experience throughout his professional career in medical psychology, mindfulness, integrated behavioral healthcare, and substance abuse.

Dr. Duncan is married and has one daughter, a neurologic physical therapist in Los Angeles.


Susan Miget

Medical Provider

Susan has been in healthcare for more than 20 years. She was an ICU nurse for nine years, then returned to school and completed her master of nursing and family nurse practitioner degree at the University of Missouri-St. Louis in 2007. She practiced pain management for many years before developing her current passion for addiction treatment.

Susan has transitioned her practice to focus entirely on addiction treatment. She has worked in residential treatment, partial hospitalization (PHP), and intensive outpatient (IOP) programs. Susan most enjoys working with patients one-on-one in a private office to protect their confidentiality and ensure top-rate care. Knowing that addiction can affect anyone, anywhere, and at any time, Susan continues to strive to make treatment more accessible and confidential.


Whitney Grant

Medical Provider

Whitney Grant is an experienced family nurse practitioner with experience and expertise in medication-assisted treatment. Whitney earned her BSN at the University of Miami before moving on to achieve a master of science in nursing degree there as well, becoming a nurse practitioner immediately thereafter.

Whitney has since achieved board certification from the ANCC as a family nurse practitioner. After spending her entire formative and educational years in South Florida, Whitney moved to Denver in 2018 to pursue a career as a provider in family practice, sub-specializing in addictions medicine. Whitney has worked under the guidance of Dr. Nathaniel Moore, CMAR’s medical director, since moving to Denver.

Nathaniel Moore

Medical Director

Dr. Nathan Moore is board-certified by the American Board of Family Medicine. Dr. Moore attended Stanford University in Palo Alto, CA for his undergraduate work and then attended Duke University School of Medicine and obtained his M.D. in 1995. Dr. Moore then came to Colorado and completed his residency in family medicine at the University of Colorado’s Family Medicine Program at Rose Medical Center.

Dr. Moore practices primarily at our Aurora location. He provides comprehensive family medicine services and has a special interest in addiction medicine, treating patients with opioid use disorder as well as alcohol addiction.

Dr. Moore is married with three children. He enjoys mountain biking, running, and golf.